To support entrepreneurs and professionals in their pursuit for prosperity and wellbeing by creating a strong Puerto Rican community that becomes a leading force in the state of Florida. 


Our network is a trusted partner for businesses and individuals in Florida, through technical, business advice, knowledge acquisition, networking encounters and community involvement opportunities that foster productive exchanges and benefits for all. 


  • SOLIDARITY: We are eager to work collectively and have a positive impact in the creation of a better business, economic and social well-being for our members and outside constituents.  
  • ACCOUNTABILITY:  We take full responsibility for results and keep our team and members informed of progress, issues and potential problems.    
  • INTEGRITY:  Our network is committed to the highest ethical standards. 
  • TRUST:   We build a continuous confidence with our team, members and outside constituents by modeling integrity, reliability, and fairness.
  • PROMOTE TEAM WORK:  We promote the effective building of relationships with our team, members and other outside constituents by encouraging cooperation and recognizing contributions.  We focus in obtaining group results by setting priorities and overcoming obstacles as a team.


Ramon Ortega


Ramon is the owner of Ramon Ortega CPA, P.A. He is a Certified Public Accountant with offices in Weston, and Orlando, FL.

He is committed to provide business owners and clients, with complete professional accounting, tax resolution and consulting services.

Orlando Mercado

Vice President

Orlando is the Principal and Total Rewards Strategist for Innova Management Solutions. He has over 25 years of experience in the areas of total rewards, HR consulting, communication and organizational development.

He has worked extensively with family owned and global companies in markets such as Puerto Rico, South Florida, Central America and the Caribbean.

Roberto Tua


Roberto is a Residential and Commercial Professional Realtor with The Keyes Company and with offices through South Florida, with a main office at Weston, Florida.

Type of services providing: Seller and Buyer Representation, Landlord and Tenant Representation, Business Brokerage, Marketing Consulting and Property Management.

Lisa Marie Zayas

Communications Chair

Lisa is a communications consultant with 30 years of experience. For the last 21 years, she has served national and international businesses. Her experience includes the development, implementation and evaluation of corporate communication and media relations programs, including media training, and crisis management programs.

Zayas is Accredited in Public Relations by the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA). She is a board member of PRSA’s Greater Ft. Lauderdale Chapter. In 2013, she was recognized as the Public Relations Professional of the Year by the Puerto Rico Public Relations Association.